Basement Finishing & Egress Window Well Installation

Renovated basements can be a great addition to your home. But, problems there can significantly decrease your property’s value, while cost-effective finishing work can add livable square footage, vastly increasing its value. The costs of this significant improvement project can be substantial. The national average price for a basement remodeling project can reach $2,436 – $3,646 just on flooring!

Installing egress basement windows enhances the natural light in what often is the darkest area of the house. This addition takes place as an emergency fire escape and makes that room appropriate as a bedroom according to the local legal requirements. 

To be fully IRC code compliant, the underground bedroom must have a large enough window so a grown person can escape in case of emergency, along with a window well and a ladder. We recommend adding a removable window well cover or metal grate to this pack. Otherwise, the window well will be filling with water, debris, etc. Even small wild animals hide in the dark and cozy window wells, causing significant distress to any homeowner. 

A sturdy one-piece window well in either galvanized steel or composite has no seams to come apart over time and leak. In the picture below, is a metal well with a stone view decoration. The natural-looking stone pattern helps to create a relaxing environment in the room.

Egress Window Well Installation: Before & After

Basement Finishing & Egress Window Well Installation 1

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